Driving through Ireland's beautiful landscape // August 2016
My roadtrips in numbers!
Nikon D500 (2017-present)
Nikon D300s (2011-2017)
Nikon D50 (2006-2011)
...and some phones and compact cameras
Subaru Impreza (built 2001) from 2008-2020

Wild camping in Stora Sjöfallet, Lapland, Sweden // September 2020
Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany
Switzerland, Germany, France
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Germany
England & Scotland, UK
Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Germany
Norway, Sweden, Denmark
Germany & Austria
Sweden, Denmark
Czech Republic
Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia
A drive through all seven emirates of the UAE
France, Spain, Morocco, Westen Sahara, Portugal
UK, Ireland
Switzerland, Italy, Malta, Cyprus
Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Romania
France, Andorra, Monaco, Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Switzerland
Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Hungary
Czech Republic, Poland, Austria
Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic
Switzerland, Italy
France, Spain
Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, France
England, Scotland, Wales, UK
Norway, Sweden, Denmark
Italy, Austria, Germany

Driving the Transfăgărășan in Romania with my first Subaru // October 2015